28 DAY
new year body, mind + habit reset.
The outcome is simple
To help you flip your post-holiday blues, kick-start your healthy habits and get set for a new year – by clearing your brain fog, shifting some holiday weight, boosting your energy, and “calming the farm” when it comes to your hormones!
Let us help you reset your health, show you how you look after yourself and support you in making consistent, long lasting change.
Kicking off 8th January…

How many times have you…
❗️ started a new year hopeful that things will be different, only to end up disappointed a month or two later?
❗️ spent too many Januarys full of enthusiasm, convinced THIS would finally be the year?
❗️ started with a bang, but fallen off the wagon within weeks because life got busy and your motivation disappeared?
We know exactly what this is like because we too, have been there. Too many times to remember. That incredible enthusiasm to change all the things and “get fit”, “lose weight” – this year was going to be different… but it never was. Because like clockwork, life got busy and motivation dwindled and our goals were abandoned.
Until we changed our focus and shifted our mentality around what we were trying to achieve and how we were going to do it.
And now we want to help you do the same. To support you to get there this time, we are so freaking excited to offer you our newest program… our 4 week Body, Mind & Habit Reset.
if you are keen to….
✔️ shift the post “silly season” bloat,
✔️clear your head (& hormones!),
✔️ get yourself back to those nurturing health habits, and
✔️ boost your energy… then you are in luck!
We got you, girl – it is our mission to get you feeling damn good and we truly believe our 28 Day Body, Mind & Habit Reset will go a loooong way to helping you get there!
Kicking off January 8, join us today!

What we know to be true…
As women and mums we are pulled in one million directions and more often than not during a time in our lives when we are everything to everyone – the primary caregiver, the career women, the homemaker, the carer.
Christmas is a massive time for mums and a lot of us come out of that season feeling tapped out, uncomfortable in our clothes, bloated and exhausted.
We have had all the balls in the air and we generally have had very little time or energy for our own health and wellbeing… But, we want this new year to be different.
Did you know that by 16th Jan, 51% of people have given up on their NY resolutions and goals. And by 31st January, that number jumps to 96% – in 2024, wouldn’t you love to be one of the 4%?
Sound familiar?!

This year, we want to challenge you to seek a different outcome
We want 2024 to be the year that you see things through from start to finish and finally feel like you’ve nailed your health goals, you’ve regained your confidence and you are looking and feeling your best.
And we are beyond excited to support you in getting there….

Not only will the reset offer you 28 days of done-for-you exercise and movement, taking all of the guesswork out of it for you. But we support the movement and exercise side of things with weekly emails that will have you ticking things off a daily checklist of habits & actions, designed to set you up for success!

Our 28 Day Challenge is designed to give you our formula for women in their 40’s & beyond to achieve their best health, while working to lay a strong foundation and kick off your new year, feeling like a new you.

healthy habit forming
Learn the exact habits you need to regain your best health – you will start to shift any holiday weight and feel more comfortable in your clothes, boost your energy, balance your hormones so you can sleep better, have your skin glowing, uplevel your focus & concentration and so much more!
4 week kick-start Challenge includes:
✅ Access to our SSH Move Studio with four weeks of workouts and movement planned out for you – taking all of the guesswork out of it. So you can shift stubborn weight, tone up and burn fat in your sleep!
✅ Weekly emails which will educate and provide strategy, daily actions and a checklist, for the week so you know exactly what you need to do in order to feel better and fast.
✅ Daily checklists to keep you accountable and to check in with your new habits, rituals and routines, helping facilitate the repetition required to make these actions into long term habits.
✅ Two group, online Q&A sessions in both week 2 and 4 to answer any / all of your burning questions, so that you get the support and motivation you need to get results in 28 days.
We will show you how to incorporate such simple but effective habits into your day, that you can add to your toolkit and use over and over again, when needed, forever.
Just think… this could be the ‘thing‘ that has you cartwheeling towards an amazing 2024, on your way to feeling like your best self.
So, if you are keen to shake off the holiday ‘blah’, shift stubborn weight, clear your head and boost your energy – it is our unwavering passion to help you achieve your best health and we truly believe our 28 Day Body, Mind + Habit Reset will do just that! We have got you, girl.
But we kick things off on 8 Jan, 2024 and places are limited – so run, don’t walk, beautiful.
Join us today for only $97.
A & E xx