large group of women celebrating, post training
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Fitness: FitFeb – Halfway point – Tips and Tricks to help get you moving each day.

Half way through February and more importantly, FitFeb. Did you take our challenge of finding 20 minutes to be more active during your day, every day for the month? Easy, right? Maybe not so much… here are some of our top tips to getting it done. Less than two weeks to go, girls – let’s do this!

four women standing on a beach linking arms
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Get to know your cycle: How your period can affect your pelvic floor

Your Period: It is that time of the month that we all must endure. For some it’s a breeze, for others it’s somewhat crippling…but it’s a part of who we are as women and something we can try and take more control over, perhaps be more in tune with and work out how we use this to manage our exercise expectations.

Em doing hip stretch on exercise ball

Health: The POWER of a Women’s Health Physio – the key to your pelvic health awareness!

How is your Pelvic Health? If you have never taken the time to really think about your pelvic or abdominal health, we are here to tell you why it should be a priority! How a simple visit to a Women’s Health Physio could be the key to understanding your Pelvic Health and prevent any potential long term issues.

Anna and em with a friend walking on beach
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Health: Get moving! Find out why your time spent “sitting” might be undoing your good work!

While the grandiose statement that “Sitting is the new smoking” might have you feeling a little sceptical, sitting for too long it has been linked to up to 35 conditions and diseases. Find out why it is critical to get moving!