large group of women doing exercise together in the park

We all need to Move more – Here are our 5 sure-fire tips to get you going!!

We LOVE February because it means FitFEB!  FitFEB is about trying to live active.  It is a commitment to exercise every day for at least 20 mins per day for the month of February for better health – yes, every single day – after all, it is only 28 days!!  

Anna and em with a friend walking on beach

Decision fatigue: Why making so many decisions could be harming our health?

Stay in bed or get up and run? Eggs or oats? Cardio or weights? Peanut butter or Vegemite?  Tea or coffee? Potato chips or chocolate (JK – obviously, both!)? Netflix or Stan?

Honestly, as silly as these choices are, we know that making even the teeniest decisions can stress out even the bossest of humans. You may find yourself swirling around in the whirlpool of decision-making shouting at the heavens, “Can someone just decide FOR ME!”  It’s called decision fatigue and as we said, even the best of us can struggle under the weight of making a seemingly endless number of decisions, every day.

Anna and Em in bed smiling

Hack Your Sleep

Sleep – Would you like more (and better quality) sleep?! Ha ha – stupid question, right? Who wouldn’t? This is probably the #1 issue for most of you out there at the moment. You are tired!! For so many of us mums, sleep can be an elusive concept…and so often you can find yourself thinking, “Will I ever sleep again?”. Of course you will, and here is how you can hack your sleep for better quantity and quality!