Em doing hip stretch on exercise ball

Health: The POWER of a Women’s Health Physio – the key to your pelvic health awareness!

As women’s health and fitness trainers we are in a unique position as we have an incredible platform from which to teach and to help create awareness around some previously “silent” post natal issues.

Throughout our own personal and professional experiences with many mums – pregnant, with 1, 2 3, 4 and even 5 babies, is has become increasingly obvious to us over the years that we really NEED TO TAKE CONTROL of our health, in particular our pelvic health! While we all take the necessary and standard measures to obtain medical clearance from our OBGY, there appears to be a HUGE gap in knowledge and awareness of what we really need to ensure optimal recovery post birth.

For us, the recommendation for a single visit to a Women’s Health Physio is a no brainer. Let’s think about it this way, if we injure ourselves, strain a muscle or roll our ankle…what are you likely to do? See a physio, book in a remedial massage or even seek your GP’s advice – of course! So then if we have grown and birthed a baby and we have most certainly suffered some level of internal trauma, then why don’t we take the necessary steps to find out more and learn how to heal? And NO this is not necessarily the job of your OBGY…they MIGHT do a full internal both birth and MIGHT check for abdominal separation…but not likely. In fact, we have not come across any women who have experienced a thorough internal pelvic health assessment from their OBGY.

So, with that said, where is your pelvic health at? Now we know you might be thinking, “BUT, I had a c-section so my Pelvic Floor is totally FINE!” And sure, in some cases you are probably right. BUT did you know that the incidence of some Pelvic Floor Dysfunction related issues are just as prevalent in c-section vs. natural birth? Did you also know that an untreated Abdominal Separation can lead to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)?

Do we have your attention yet?!

This is where we need to create awareness…awareness is key. Awareness will allow for you to take control, understand your own pelvic health assessment and get on with living your best life, it’s as simple as that! AND yes it can still involve exercise and all the things you love!

So, please book in to see your local Women’s Health Physio AND if you happen to be the 1 in 2 women who have an assessment and are diagnosed with some form of PFD, then do not despair. You have done the right thing and there is so much amazing knowledge, advice and tools at your disposal. Understanding what has happened is the first step. If you are keen to return to exercise and eventually get back to where you once were, then specialist guidance is essential! We have created our Core Restore Program with all of this in mind. Throughout the program we provide all the knowledge and tools necessary to safely return to exercise and importantly begin to heal and restore their deeper core and pelvic floor the right way.

We have also included some important information around this in our services where we include some FAQ’s for women just like you and pre and post natal exercise guidelines. Always be mindful that your specialist advice is your priority, please ensure that you are taking our information as a guide only and it does not replace any professional advice you may have received.

To find a Women’s Health Physio in your area (local or international), please click here Find a Physio:

Otherwise we have a number of very reputable resources in Brisbane, if you wanted drop us a line, we are happy to help where possible.

You only have one body Sisters, so let’s take good care of it.

Anna & Em xx

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