STRESS: Mumma, are you pushing things too hard?
As you know we LOVE reading, listening to and learning more and more about all things women’s health and a hot topic right now in the health & wellness circles, is the topic of stress.  But, when we traditionally think of stress, we generally think overworked middle aged men, struggling to keep up with the demands of corporate life.  Dishevelled, a little overweight, pasty-faced and fairly unhealthy.  That certainly doesn’t relate to us, right?  We are healthy (well, mostly healthy), active mums running our own home-based health business… I’ll just pass that all info onto my corporate hubby.
Well, this week it struck me that I might be physically pushing things a little bit too hard.  I have been finding it hard to get to sleep, my quality of sleep has been more poor, my mind is racing (even more than normal!) and I’ve been feeling really “tired, BUT wired”.  Bottom line is that I have been slack in following our own very important advice on rest and recovery!
Now, we all know by now that without the proper rest, your body just doesn’t have time (nor that space) to recover – causing simple physiological changes like an unnecessary elevation of cortisol levels (stress hormone) among a host of other things.  And that, our friends is also Stress.  Just in a different form.  Symptoms like above, could perhaps even point to early stages of something bigger, like adrenal fatigue….  but let’s not go there just yet.
But seriously, stress? Â How can I be stressed? Â I don’t work in a demanding corporate job. Â I don’t have pressing deadlines that my job depends on. Â My life is not that stressful. Â In reality, stress can sneak in, in many shapes and forms. Â As a mum, we are not only juggling our own routines, but trying to keep track of every member of your household’s routines (like what they need to pack each day, where they have to be, times for pickups/ drops offs, doctor’s appointments, dental appointments and just general logistics); what about family meals, cleaning, cooking, family pet, and then everyone’s social calendar.. and that is before you even take into account your own job!!! Â When we push ourselves in an exercise session – as far as our body is aware – that is stress. When we fail to nourish our bodies properly or eat a poor diet – our poor body sees that as stress too as it is not getting the nutrients that it needs! Â When we race around town from A to B to Z always rushing – that my friends, is stress. Â No wonder, we are all stressed – its just not in the traditional sense.
So, what about you, right now.  Are you getting good quality sleep?  Even after a good night’s sleep, do you wake up still tired?  Or do you have difficulty falling asleep?  Do you use coffee, sugar or other stimulants to help you ‘wake up’ or ‘get through’ tricky parts of your day?  Do you find that you are just not recovering between exercise sessions? Do you feel that there is a little bit extra weight around your midriff that is hard to shake?  Do you constantly feel flustered or feel a heightened sense of alertness?  Well you, our gorgeous girl, might be struggling with more than a little bit of stress too….
Ok, fine, you say – but what can we do about it?  Well, we were hoping that you’d ask that!  There are some simple measures that you can look at, that will help get any unnecessary ‘stress’ under control but regardless, are also just fabulous additions to any ‘healthy’ lifestyle!
- Meditation or mindfulness: this can train the brain and body to turn off the stress response, move you into the parasympathetic nervous system (our rest and digest state) and will promote more relaxation;
- Deep breathing exercises: taking deep diaphragmatic breaths helps turn down the sympathetic nervous system (Fight or flight response) and kick in the body’s natural relaxation response;
- Spending time outdoors: try going for a walk or run outside, spend time at the beach, walking through forests, gardening or doing other things away from technology – all help too ‘ground us’. An increasingly difficult task in this modern existence;
- Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress, balance hormones and sleep better. Â BUT the key is to avoid over-training!! More gentle exercise might be just what you need right now. Â Combine this with getting out of doors and you have two options covered;
- Get enough sleep. Most adults need a good 7-9 hours sleep;
- Make sure that you take time to relax: a long bath, gentle stretching session, yoga, time out from technology.
How about this quote: “The best time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”…. (I feel like this one is speaking straight to me).  If you (like me!) feel like things might be getting a little out of balance, make it a priority this week to include a couple of the above additions into your day/ week.  I will be and I’ll keep you posted on how it goes! If you wanted to do more reading on the topic…. here are a couple of good reads.
Anna xo
The Wellness Mama- The Importance of Balancing Stress Hormones
The Merrymaker Sisters: Signs of Adrenal FatigueÂ
Precision Nutrition: Strategies for Getting Control of Stress