image of hands holding

Women’s Health Week: Let’s Talk Periods

It is Women’s Health Week, so let’s talk periods!  Our menstrual cycle (or period) is the hormonal process a woman’s body goes through each month to prepare for a possible pregnancy. Regular menstrual periods in the years between puberty and menopause are usually a sign that your body is working optimally. Irregular or heavy, painful periods can be a sign that it is not.

Anna and em performing a side lunge

Exercise – can there be too much of a good thing?

Exercise – can there be too much of a good thing?  Whether you’re starting a new exercise regime or just coming out after hibernating through the winter – well done – there is not denying that exercising is a vitally important element of your overall health. However, there is such thing as overdoing it when it comes to physical activity. So, how much exercise is too much? And how do we know when we need to rest?

Chocolate and berry cake

Not ready to quit sugar? Why not try these 5 easy ways to eat less.

While the jury is out on whether we should all completely quit sugar, the benefits of reducing our consumption of the sweet stuff are innumerable. While we might not be sucking down a serve (or more) of soft drink each day – most of us are eating more sugar than we realise – even in our “healthy” foods. Why not try these four super easy hacks to reduce sugar intake day-to-day. You’ll see just how simple this low sugar life can be.

Em doing yoga seated yoga stretch with arms overhead

Estrogen 101: Its role and impact on the female body

Estrogen as most of us know, plays a role in the female menstrual cycle, but did you know that it can also affects the reproductive tract, urinary tract, heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, pelvic muscles, and the brain? Find out its role, how it can impact your body and steps to take to help keep your estrogen balanced.