Search Results for: nutrition

active kids with scooters and helmets

Kids’ Fitness: How to help our kids be fit, for life.

You know that we are just as passionate about getting our little ones moving, as we are about you girls.  So let’s chat Kids’ Fitness.  No, this one is not about what sport they play, activities that they are involved in, how hard they train nor even about winning, losing or competing… it’s about kids…

Anna mother-daughter pushups on rock wall

Top tips for surviving the school holidays with your health (and sanity) in tact!

A funny thing happens once your kids start school – your life seems to start to revolve around 4 terms of the school year.  School holidays come around and often we see lots of our good routines become unhinged.  Our good work throughout the routine of the term begins to peak towards the end of…

Em raising arms to the sky from a beachside clifftop

Why, as a mum, Self-Care is not a luxury but a necessity.

Motherhood is full of endless demands, rewards, sacrifices, sleepless nights, countless unscheduled interruptions yet also many beautiful moments and special gifts. But in motherhood, there is also incredible self-sacrifice involved.  I was the first one to put my hand up and without any conscious thought process – offer my whole self to this motherhood thing. …

Crudites and hummus with olives

Why it is important to start to get your kids to eat better.

If you hadn’t heard, obesity and type 2 diabetes rates are skyrocketing in kids and appearing at younger and younger ages. For the very first time in recent history our children may have an average life expectancy lower than ours. While the current, first world, health crisis is well documented – these figures about our…